The Library at Mount Char: A Mind-Bending Journey through the Supernatural


Scott Hawkins takes readers on a mind-bending journey through the supernatural in his novel, The Library at Mount Char. This gripping story delves into a world where power, knowledge, and mystery intertwine to create a tale like no other. The author weaves together elements of fantasy, horror, and mystery to craft a unique reading experience that will leave readers on the edge of their seats.

Reason for Choosing

I chose The Library at Mount Char because of its intriguing premise and the promise of a mind-bending journey through the supernatural. The title itself evokes a sense of mystery and adventure, hinting at a library that is far from ordinary. As a fan of fantasy and supernatural genres, I am drawn to stories that push the boundaries of reality and explore worlds beyond our own.


In The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins, readers are taken on a mind-bending journey through the supernatural. The story follows Carolyn, one of twelve orphaned children taken in by a mysterious man known as Father. Each child is assigned a catalog of knowledge to master, with Carolyn’s being the secrets of the universe housed in the vast and enigmatic Library at Mount Char.

As Carolyn delves deeper into her studies, she uncovers dark and dangerous powers that challenge the very fabric of reality. When Father goes missing, Carolyn and her siblings must navigate a treacherous path of power struggles, ancient rivalries, and magical warfare to uncover the truth behind Father’s disappearance and the secrets of the Library.

Through a blend of fantasy, horror, and mythology, Hawkins weaves a complex and gripping narrative that explores the depths of human nature and the consequences of wielding ultimate power. The characters are intricately drawn, each with their own motivations and flaws that drive the plot forward with a relentless intensity.

With its rich world-building and unpredictable twists, The Library at Mount Char is a captivating and unique read that will leave readers questioning the nature of good and evil, the limits of power, and the true meaning of family.

Likes and Dislikes

Scott Hawkins’ The Library at Mount Char is truly a mind-bending journey through the supernatural that kept me engaged from start to finish. One of the aspects I loved most about the book was Hawkins’ incredibly vivid and imaginative world-building. The library itself was such a unique and mysterious setting, filled with ancient knowledge and strange powers, creating an atmosphere that was both awe-inspiring and eerie.

Another highlight of the book for me was the diverse cast of characters that Hawkins introduced. Each character had their own intriguing backstory and set of abilities, making them all complex and multi-dimensional. Carolyn, in particular, stood out to me with her enigmatic personality and fierce determination. Her journey throughout the book was both riveting and heartbreaking, adding emotional depth to the fantastical elements of the story.

Furthermore, the way Hawkins expertly blended elements of fantasy, horror, and mythology in The Library at Mount Char was masterful. The story seamlessly weaved together ancient gods, supernatural powers, and cosmic mysteries, creating a narrative that was as thought-provoking as it was thrilling. The pacing of the book was also well-executed, keeping me on the edge of my seat with its twists and revelations.

While there was much to admire in The Library at Mount Char, there were a few aspects that fell short for me. Some readers may find the nonlinear narrative and frequent shifts in perspective to be confusing or challenging to follow. At times, I found myself having to backtrack to fully understand certain plot points, which disrupted the overall flow of the story.

Additionally, the ending of the book left me wanting more closure. While I appreciate leaving some elements open to interpretation, I felt that certain threads were left unresolved, leaving me with lingering questions. A more definitive conclusion could have provided a stronger sense of satisfaction after investing in the characters’ journeys.

Themes and Messages

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins delves into a world of the supernatural, blending elements of fantasy, horror, and mythology to create a truly unique reading experience. Amidst the fantastical elements, the book explores several overarching themes and messages that resonate with readers and offer intriguing parallels to the real world.

One of the central themes of the book is the quest for knowledge and power. The characters in the story, particularly the librarians, are on a relentless pursuit to gain control over ancient and mystical knowledge housed in the Library. This theme raises questions about the nature of power and the lengths individuals are willing to go to acquire it. In the real world, this theme can be seen in the way knowledge is often equated with power, driving people to seek information and understanding to gain advantages in various aspects of their lives.

Another prominent theme in The Library at Mount Char is the complexity of human nature. The characters in the book exhibit a wide range of traits, from compassion and loyalty to cruelty and manipulation. This exploration of the dark and light aspects of humanity reflects the complexities of real-world individuals and raises questions about the dualities present within each person. The book challenges readers to confront their own nature and consider the choices they make in their daily lives.

The concept of fate versus free will is also a significant theme in the book. As the characters navigate the challenges and obstacles in their path, they grapple with the idea of whether their destinies are predetermined or if they have the agency to shape their own futures. This philosophical dilemma mirrors the real-world debate on the extent to which individuals can control their lives and the role that external forces play in shaping their experiences.

Furthermore, The Library at Mount Char explores the consequences of obsession and revenge. The characters’ intense desires for vengeance and retribution drive much of the plot, leading to destructive outcomes and moral dilemmas. This theme serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of allowing obsession to consume one’s thoughts and actions, highlighting the destructive nature of unchecked emotions.

  1. The pursuit of knowledge and power
  2. The complexity of human nature
  3. Fate versus free will
  4. Obsession and revenge

Writing Style

Scott Hawkins’ The Library at Mount Char is a literary masterpiece with a writing style that is both mesmerizing and unique. The book is crafted in a way that immerses readers into a world of supernatural mysteries and fantastical elements. Hawkins’ language is beautiful, yet haunting, creating a dark and mysterious atmosphere that will keep readers engaged till the very end.

The author’s storytelling is rich in detail, painting vivid images of the characters and settings. The narrative flows seamlessly, taking readers on a mind-bending journey that is both thrilling and thought-provoking. Despite the complex plot and the layers of mystery woven throughout the story, Hawkins’ writing is clear and concise, making it easy for readers to follow along even as the story takes unexpected twists and turns.

Who Might Like This Book?

“The Library at Mount Char” by Scott Hawkins is a thrilling and intricate novel that would appeal to readers who enjoy dark fantasy, supernatural elements, and mind-bending mysteries. This book is not suitable for younger audiences due to its mature themes and graphic content, making it more suitable for teens and adults.

Readers who enjoy stories that blend elements of horror, mythology, and suspense will find themselves engrossed in the unique world-building and complex characters that Hawkins has crafted. Fans of Neil Gaiman’s dark fantasy works or China Miéville’s surreal storytelling style may especially appreciate the eerie and fantastical atmosphere of “The Library at Mount Char.”


With its intriguing story and unique take on the supernatural, The Library at Mount Char is a captivating read that will leave you spellbound.

Overall Thoughts

In The Library at Mount Char, Scott Hawkins takes readers on a mind-bending journey through the supernatural that is both captivating and unsettling. The intricate world-building and unique premise of the book kept me hooked from beginning to end. The characters are complex and mysterious, adding layers of depth to the story that kept me eagerly turning pages to uncover their secrets.

The author’s writing style is both detailed and vivid, painting a mesmerizing picture of the Library and its inhabitants. The blend of horror, fantasy, and mystery creates a truly immersive reading experience that leaves a lasting impression. The plot twists and turns in unexpected ways, keeping the reader on edge and constantly guessing what will happen next.

Although the book can be dark and at times disturbing, it is undeniably compelling. The exploration of themes such as power, revenge, and the blurred lines between good and evil adds a thought-provoking layer to the narrative. Hawkins’ ability to balance these darker elements with moments of lightness and humor showcases his skill as a storyteller.

Overall, The Library at Mount Char is a masterfully crafted novel that will appeal to fans of dark fantasy and supernatural thrillers. Hawkins has created a truly original work that stands out in a crowded genre. I would definitely be interested in reading more books by this author to see where his imagination takes me next.