Senlin Ascends: A Riveting Journey through the Tower of Babel


Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft is a captivating work of fiction that takes readers on an unforgettable journey through the mysterious Tower of Babel. This novel, the first installment in the Books of Babel series, combines elements of fantasy, steampunk, and adventure to create a unique and immersive reading experience.

The story follows the protagonist, Thomas Senlin, a dedicated headmaster who embarks on a honeymoon with his wife to the awe-inspiring Tower of Babel. However, when they become separated amidst the bustling crowds, Senlin’s journey takes an unexpected turn as he navigates through the different levels of the tower in search of his lost wife.

Bancroft’s intricate world-building and lyrical prose draw readers into the fantastical setting of the tower, where each level presents new challenges, dangers, and discoveries. As Senlin encounters eccentric characters, uncovers hidden secrets, and faces moral dilemmas, readers are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions and revelations.

With its richly detailed universe, compelling characters, and suspenseful plot twists, Senlin Ascends is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure novels. Bancroft’s storytelling prowess shines in this debut novel, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series.

Reason for Choosing

When I first came across Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft, I was immediately drawn to the intriguing premise of a man’s journey through the Tower of Babel. The idea of exploring a massive and mythical tower filled with mysteries and challenges sparked my curiosity and made me eager to dive into the story. As a fan of fantasy novels that feature strong world-building and complex characters, I knew this book would be right up my alley.


In Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft, we follow the journey of Thomas Senlin, a mild-mannered headmaster who embarks on a honeymoon with his wife Marya to the Tower of Babel, a massive and mysterious structure that is said to hold countless wonders within its walls. However, their trip takes a disastrous turn when Marya goes missing in the bustling crowds of the tower’s first level. Determined to find his wife, Senlin must navigate through the various levels of the tower, each presenting unique challenges and dangers.

As Senlin delves deeper into the layers of the tower, he encounters a cast of intriguing characters, from allies who aid him in his search to adversaries who seek to hinder his progress. Along the way, Senlin must confront his own beliefs and values, adapting to the harsh realities of this strange and unforgiving world. The author weaves a tale of discovery, loss, and resilience, drawing readers into a richly imagined setting that is both fantastical and eerily familiar.

Bancroft’s prose is elegant and evocative, painting vivid images of the tower’s wonders and horrors. The world-building is immersive, capturing the imagination with its intricate details and atmospheric descriptions. The pacing is brisk, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Senlin faces one obstacle after another in his quest to find Marya.

With its blend of mystery, adventure, and introspection, Senlin Ascends is a captivating read that will appeal to fans of fantasy and speculative fiction. Bancroft’s exploration of themes such as identity, ambition, and the nature of power adds depth to the narrative, making this novel a thought-provoking and compelling tale of one man’s journey through the enigmatic Tower of Babel.

Likes and Dislikes

What I Liked:

  1. The intricate world-building in Senlin Ascends is absolutely captivating. Josiah Bancroft has created a unique and fantastical setting within the Tower of Babel, filled with mystery and wonder at every turn. The attention to detail in describing the various ringdoms and levels of the tower really immerses the reader in this richly imagined world.
  2. The protagonist, Thomas Senlin, is a character that you can’t help but root for. His transformation throughout the story, from a naive and bookish headmaster to a determined and resourceful adventurer, is brilliantly portrayed. Senlin’s growth as a character as he navigates the challenges of the tower is both compelling and relatable.
  3. The pacing of the story is well-executed, keeping the reader engaged from start to finish. The blend of action-packed sequences with quieter, introspective moments allows for a well-rounded reading experience. Each chapter reveals new layers of complexity to the plot, keeping you eagerly turning the pages to see what happens next.
  4. Bancroft’s writing style is a true standout in Senlin Ascends. His prose is lyrical and evocative, painting vivid images of the tower and its inhabitants. The author’s ability to capture the essence of each setting and character with such precision makes the world of the book feel incredibly real and vibrant.

What Could Have Been Better:

While Senlin Ascends is a remarkable read, there were a few elements that left me wanting more. One aspect that I felt could have been further developed is the secondary characters in the story. While Senlin is a strong and well-rounded protagonist, some of the supporting cast felt slightly underdeveloped. Greater exploration of their backgrounds and motivations could have added depth to the overall narrative.

Additionally, the ending of the book left me feeling a bit unresolved. While I understand the author’s intention to leave room for continuation in the series, I found myself longing for a more definitive conclusion to certain storylines. A bit more closure would have provided a more satisfying end to this part of Senlin’s journey through the tower.

Themes and Messages

Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft delves into various themes and messages that resonate with readers long after they have finished the book. One of the central themes explored in the novel is the quest for identity. As the main character, Thomas Senlin, navigates through the mysterious and complex Tower of Babel, he is forced to confront different facets of his own identity and adapt to the ever-changing environments within the tower. This theme of self-discovery is a poignant reminder of the journey many individuals undertake in finding their true selves amidst the chaos of the world.

Another significant theme in Senlin Ascends is the exploration of power dynamics and social hierarchies. Within the tower, Senlin encounters a wide array of characters, each vying for control or struggling to survive in a world where power can shift in an instant. This theme mirrors real-world struggles for power and dominance, highlighting the lengths to which individuals will go to gain or maintain control over others.

The concept of escapism is also a prominent message in the book. Senlin’s journey through the levels of the tower can be seen as a metaphor for the escapism many people seek in their own lives. Whether through literature, travel, or other means, individuals often seek an escape from their reality, much like Senlin seeks to escape the harsh truths of the tower. This theme prompts readers to question the nature of escapism and its role in finding meaning and purpose in life.

Furthermore, Senlin Ascends touches upon the idea of perseverance in the face of adversity. Senlin’s unwavering determination to find his lost wife drives him forward, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. This theme of perseverance serves as a source of inspiration for readers, reminding them of the importance of resilience and courage in the face of hardships.

In addition to these themes, the book also explores the consequences of ambition and the impact of choices on both individuals and society as a whole. As Senlin climbs higher in the tower, his ambitions and decisions have far-reaching effects, showcasing the ripple effect of one’s actions on the world around them. This exploration of ambition and consequence adds layers of complexity to the narrative, inviting readers to reflect on the choices they make in their own lives.

Writing Style

Josiah Bancroft’s writing style in Senlin Ascends is a delightful mix of whimsical and poetic prose. The language he uses is rich and vivid, painting a detailed picture of the fantastical world of the Tower of Babel that the protagonist, Thomas Senlin, navigates. Each sentence is carefully crafted, drawing readers into a mesmerizing narrative that is both lyrical and engaging.

The author’s ability to create a sense of wonder through his descriptive language is truly captivating. As Senlin ascends through the levels of the tower, Bancroft’s writing skillfully conveys the awe and complexity of each new layer, immersing readers in a world that is both strange and wondrous.

While the story itself is filled with adventure and intrigue, it is Bancroft’s elegant prose that truly sets Senlin Ascends apart. The language he uses is not only beautiful but also unique, adding an extra layer of depth to an already fascinating tale.

Who Might Like This Book?

Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft is a captivating novel that will appeal to a wide range of readers. Here’s who might particularly enjoy this book:

  1. Adult Fantasy Fans: Readers who enjoy intricately crafted fantasy worlds filled with mystery, adventure, and complex characters will find Senlin Ascends to be a rewarding read. Bancroft’s vivid storytelling and richly detailed setting will immerse fans of the genre in a unique and thought-provoking narrative.
  2. Explorers of Imaginative Worlds: If you love delving into imaginative and fantastical realms, Senlin Ascends offers a rich tapestry of creativity that will transport you to the Tower of Babel and beyond. Bancroft’s world-building is both enchanting and expansive, making it a perfect choice for those who crave exploration in their reading.
  3. Readers Seeking Adventure: Those who are drawn to tales of adventure and exploration will find Senlin Ascends to be a thrilling journey. With its mix of danger, discovery, and unexpected twists, this novel keeps readers on the edge of their seats as they follow Thomas Senlin’s quest through the mysterious levels of the tower.

While Senlin Ascends may not be suitable for younger readers due to its complex themes and mature content, older teens and adults who enjoy fantasy, adventure, and immersive storytelling are sure to be entranced by Josiah Bancroft’s masterful narrative.



In “Senlin Ascends: A Riveting Journey through the Tower of Babel,” Josiah Bancroft takes readers on a breathtaking adventure through the mysterious and captivating Tower of Babel. The novel follows the story of Thomas Senlin, a mild-mannered headmaster, who embarks on a quest to find his missing wife within the enigmatic walls of the tower. As Senlin navigates through the different levels of the tower, encountering eccentric characters and facing unimaginable challenges, readers are drawn into a richly detailed world full of surprises and intrigue.

Overall Thoughts

Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft is a captivating and imaginative journey through the Tower of Babel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Bancroft’s vivid descriptions and complex characters create a world that is both fantastical and believable. The protagonist, Thomas Senlin, is a compelling character whose transformation throughout the book is both heartwarming and thought-provoking.

The tower itself serves as a mysterious and intriguing setting, full of secrets and hidden dangers that add to the suspense of the story. Bancroft’s writing style is engaging and full of rich detail, making it easy for readers to become fully immersed in Senlin’s adventures.

The supporting characters that Senlin encounters on his journey are diverse and well-developed, adding depth and complexity to the story. Each new level of the tower brings unique challenges and surprises, keeping the plot fresh and unpredictable. The pacing of the book is perfect, with just the right balance of action, world-building, and character development.

Overall, Senlin Ascends is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. Josiah Bancroft has created a world that is both enchanting and terrifying, with themes that resonate long after the final page is turned. I would definitely read more books by this author, eager to see where his imagination takes me next.